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Harry Hoddle

Yes, Celeste? he said, his voice

Picking up in excitement. Celeste's hand slipped up to his jaw, over his ear, stroking his hair. With her other hand, she waved someone away. Court glanced over to see Betilly and Wellington disappear back down the stairs. Court, she said, I do believe you have fallen in love with me. He took her hand, holding it. I have, Celeste. I love you like a man on fire, running into the mere, wishing to drown himself so this desire might be quenched. And if I could www.milaci.ro but hear those words echoed in your voice, I would be a man who had fulfilled more in one lifetime than an army had in a thousand. My love is all you require? she asked. It is all there is. Court, do you know why I refused your proposal? No, and my heart aches without reason for the answer. Then I will tell you. I desire to rule my kingdom alone. I do not wish to live in the shadow of a man. I acted that night to repulse you, yet somehow, I drew you in deeper, but I cannot deny the deepening in my own heart for you. Ruling to me, Celeste, is a child's entertainment compared to the attention you hold in my eyes. If this is your concern, let me assure you, in all things, we would lead together. Is that so? You would honor me with equal power? I would. I did not know such a thing even mattered to you. It does. I have worked hard to build myself up as a queen in waiting. Then be at ease to know I am all but unfit to rule without you by my side. But how shall I know this is true, Court, until you are tested upon the throne? Do you wish it in writing? If so, tell me and I will write a book with naught but your name in it. Truly? Would you do anything for me, Court? Anything, Celeste. There is no danger I would not risk for you, nor errand I would not complete to protect you, nor word I would not speak to please you. You have made me whole. Tell me you love me, Celeste. She stroked his cheek. Fall to your knee and propose to me, Court. Let my answer show my love. He climbed off his chair, falling to his knee, digging into his pocket like a man possessed, as if the wine had been www.milaci.ro tainted with love potion. He pulled out the golden ring, the diamond even making Celeste squint. As he spoke, he slipped it onto her finger, though it did not fit quite as well as it had the other night. Celeste, will you do the honor of making me a man of unequalled happiness by granting me your hand in marriage? She grinned. Yes, I will. Court shot up from his kneeling position, kissing her. She squealed as his lips connected, completely unprepared. But she kissed him back, opening her mouth. And then he picked her up, right off the chair, holding her by the sides as he lifted her in the air. He laughed in delight, spinning her, the wind catching her silk dress. He lowered her back down, his hands clapping around her face, kissing her again. Celeste broke it. Very well, Court, she said. That will do. He laughed. Don't you enjoy kissing your fiancé? I will kiss you on our wedding day. And on our wedding night... She ran her hand across his chest. ...that is the day when you will be a man of unequalled happiness.
